Комментарий #8742499

@Borzaya, решил перепроверить по вики, во что пишут, основываясь на лайт новелле
Kumoko's actual true identity was a normal spider that just happened to be in the classroom. Upon being spotted, the students wanted to squash her but were stopped by the teacher, Ms. Oka, who took pity on her and allowed her to stay as a sort of class-pet. However, one day during class, the entire classroom was killed in a mysterious explosion, including Kumoko. In reality, the explosion was the result of a previous Hero and Demon Lord's attempt to assassinate D. Feeling responsible and thinking it would be fun, D reincarnated the students. However, such an act would definitely draw attention from fellow gods; thus, she took Kumoko's soul and overwrote it with a piece of her own, giving the spider her memories as "Wakaba Hiiro" in the process, to make seem like "Wakaba Hiiro" had died. In reality, Kumoko's family that had "broken up" did not really exist and her being a loser was merely how she viewed herself.

отрывок про Вакабу
It was here revealed to the readers, that Kumoko was not the real Wakaba Hiiro. She only took on her appearance and memories due to D's intervention at the beginning of the story. “Wakaba Hiiro” was a false identity created by D, which she used it to masquerade as a high schooler to escape her responsibilities as a god and enjoy a life on Earth.
During her time there, a mysterious explosion occurred in the classroom that killed everyone except Wakaba Hiiro in. In reality, the explosion was the result of combined a magical attack from a previous Hero and Demon Lord to assassinate Wakaba, viewing her as the cause for their world's plight. Feeling responsible for her classmates and teacher dying in the crossfire, and thinking it would be fun, she collected their souls and reincarnated them.
However, all her classmates dying and being reincarnated would likely draw the attention of fellow gods, and Wakaba Hiiro not being among them would surely lead to D being discovered. To avoid that, she decided to misdirect them. She gave a piece of her soul that could be considered “Wakaba Hiiro” to a spider that happened to be in the classroom at the time, resulting in the creation of Kumoko. Furthermore, to make sure the other reincarnates wouldn't notice her absence, she messed with Filimøs' Student Roster skill by having it connected to Kumoko.]
, т.е. в итоге
В исекайном мире, была одна из богинь администратор Д, которая хотела отдохнуть от божественной суеты на Земле, в лице школьницы Вакабы, за ней пришли герой и мао, которые хотели ее убить, в итоге схлопнули весь класс, Д их воскресила, а чтобы ее не спалили, поместила воспоминания Вакабы в паука, который в реальном мире все это время сидел на потолке.
@Gruslang, те в любом случае наша главная героиня иссекайнулась и переродилась в ином мире пауком хоть она была временно в пауке. так получается
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